vehicle excel files

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Created21.01.2016 00:28

Tom Westbrook (tomwestbrk) 21.01.2016 00:30
I have the Steam version of FS15. Where can I get the vehicle calculation spreadsheets mentioned in the vehicle tutorial ( NB: I do not see FS15 or similar directory in the Programs(x86) directory.

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 21.01.2016 08:30

steam creates a 'game library' on your harddrive.
You'll have to find that and look for the FS directory there.

Maybe somebody else can help you more precisely with the default paths (I don't have steam on my PC)


D. Ecker (Decker_MMIV) 21.01.2016 20:12
The Steam 'game library' is at:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 15\

Or you can in Steam's Library screen;
- left-click on the game, then choose 'properties' from the context-menu,
- in the dialog-box that appears, choose the tab "LOCAL FILES",
- then press the "BROWSE LOCAL FILES...",
this will open file-explorer at the folder where the game have been installed by Steam.

Tom Westbrook (tomwestbrk) 22.01.2016 00:45
got it..thanks

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