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FSL team needed for PS4

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Created09.06.2023 17:32

Carter Thompson (CDRED141) 09.06.2023 17:32
Hi everyone! I'm looking for two team members to join my team on Playstation for the Farming simulator league.
Must use a mic in gameplay.
Must be willing to practice as a team.
Must be willing to a 33.3% cut of any winnings we may get in the future.
Must speak English fairly well.

I'm hoping that this team will be able to win the FSL if (and when) it is opened up for PS4 gamers.
It's my dream to be able to play in the FSL and maybe even win. It would be amazing to go to Germany for Farm con.

I've been playing FS for years. I have played every game 14 through 22.

If you are interested in being in my team, please reply to the form and we can discuss it further via text or email.

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