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Navmesh for Cowzone problem plese help!

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2011

CategoryFarming Simulator 2011
Created21.04.2012 10:22

Matei Andrei (Unknown) 21.04.2012 10:22
Hi all

I manage to create new navmesh for cowzone exactly like the orginal one and it working (i can strtled ,pursuit ,cow walk eat sleep and drink ,milk is produced and so on) but until this:
-when i pursuit a cow to milkrobot(i can do that) and enter in milkrobot (this is the bad part) never come out ,the cow is stucked and i don't get the 1000 milk (like original).Please Help!Any ideea will help.

Many thx.

Manuel Thiele (ShepardCommander) 25.04.2012 20:47
Are the 3 NavMesh for Milkrobot wide enough? If the MilkingInteract is too narrow, the cow can not find the mesh MilkingLeave. The MilkingLeave mesh must be overlap into the other meshes.
So it worked on my map then.

I hope it could help a little

Manuel Thiele (ShepardCommander) 25.04.2012 21:13
Are the 3 NavMesh for Milkrobot wide enough? If the MilkingInteract is too narrow, the cow can not find the mesh MilkingLeave. The MilkingLeave mesh must be overlap into the other meshes.
So it worked on my map then.

I hope it could help a little

EDIT : Please delete this double Post, Sorry :)

Matei Andrei (Unknown) 26.04.2012 22:00
Hi Manuel

You advice help a lot thanks it working (in orginal milkingleave is side by side of the other two and beacause i make navmesh like original ..... so didn't work).And again many thanks and now i can move cow zone anywhere i want without errors or problems.

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