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New Cow Farm Location

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2011

CategoryFarming Simulator 2011
Created12.11.2010 20:56

Andrew Farnaby (Unknown) 12.11.2010 20:57
If you want to create new nav meshes for Farming Simulator 2011 this is what you do,

Create a flat poly to the shape of your meadow ( I use 3dMax but you can use Blender too) export the flat mesh without textures and import into Giants Editor select the flat poly mesh and convert it into a nav mesh.

I've succeded in moving the cow farm using my own nav mesh and merging the old cow farm into my nav mesh but this requires the default CattleMeadow.i3d to be overwritten that resides in the main program missions folder.

Farmeryak (Unknown) 15.11.2010 00:19
I've fixed the above problem with the CattleMeadow.i3d so I don't need to copy it to the main missions folder it was simply in the .lua file. The only thing that is stopping me from releasing this reworked map is a problem with the cow exitGate trigger, the cow's get stuck at the exit gates of the milking machine. I've tried moving the triggers away from the milking machine and the cow's still get stuck on the exit trigger. The watering and feeding triggers work as they should. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Farmer Yak

Farmeryak (Unknown) 15.11.2010 17:29
I'm sure I have worked out the nav meshes now, If I'm right I would need to create seperate nav meshes for each function for the cows E.G. Escape, Wander, Milking Leave etc etc. In the default CattleMeadow.i3d there are 19 nav meshes that makeup the cow zone. I'll get to work doing it this way and I'll post my results once I've established its working.

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