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Last Few Problems

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2011

CategoryFarming Simulator 2011
Created15.11.2010 18:25

Harry Paul Jones (Unknown) 15.11.2010 18:34
Hello, You might of seen me from before , i am Harry Paul Jones. after losing my laptop i lost me GDN password and there is no reset password function on GDN , anyway im here in a new account.

i have my lexion 600 ingame all working but one two things the second i could probably work out myself but i might be back so keep and eye out ;)

anyway the problem is ,when i go to empty the lexion she doesn empty the percentage does not go down and the trailer(original trailer) does not fill up , in the log it shows

PhysX warning: Static actor moved
PhysX warning: Static actor moved
PhysX warning: Static actor moved
PhysX warning: Static actor moved


Call Stack:
C:/Users/Harry/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Lexion600_Pack/specialization/Lexion600Combine2.lua(978) : printCallstack
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua(1219) : update
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua(52) : update
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua(719) : update
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua(775) : update
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/missions/mission00.lua(207) : update
C:/Users/Harry/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Hadeland_V2/SampleModMap.lua(57) : update
D:/code/lsim2011_version5/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(729) : update
Validity check failed in TransformGroup_setDirection: Direction and up vectors are parallel.
..\..\..\src\engine\app\ReflectionAndScriptBinding.cpp(2123): fabsf(Vector3::dotProduct(direction, up)) < 0.9999f*direction.calcMagnitude()*up.calcMagnitude()

on line 978 this is displayed

setDirection(self.chopper.zylinderNode, 0, y1*-1, z1*-1, 0, 1, 0);

rest of the paragraph.

if self.chopper ~= nil then
local ax1, ay1, az1 = getWorldTranslation(self.chopper.zylinderNode);
local bx1, by1, bz1 = getWorldTranslation(self.chopper.rotationPunch);
local x1, y1, z1 = worldDirectionToLocal(getParent(self.chopper.zylinderNode), bx1-ax1, by1-ay1, bz1-az1);
setDirection(self.chopper.zylinderNode, 0, y1*-1, z1*-1, 0, 1, 0);
if self.chopper.zylinderPunch ~= nil then
local distance1 = Utils.vector3Length(ax1-bx1, ay1-by1, az1-bz1);
setTranslation(self.chopper.zylinderPunch, 0, 0, (distance1-self.chopper.punchDistance)*-1);

thanks for your time


Sven Köhler (Unknown) 18.11.2010 21:19
try this on line 978:

setDirection(self.chopper.zylinderNode, 0, y1*-1, z1*-1, 0, 0, 1);

PhysX warning: Static actor moved

--> Static actor moved!! Any Object has Static Collision and the game set new Translation/Rotation.


Harry Paul Jones (Unknown) 19.11.2010 12:41
Thanks but how do i know what's it has moved and and set new rotations ?, thanks for your help.

Harry Paul Jones (Unknown) 19.11.2010 14:14
Thanks but how do i know what's it has moved and and set new rotations ?, thanks for your help.

Harry Paul Jones (Unknown) 19.11.2010 14:14
Thanks but how do i know what's it has moved and and set new rotations ?, thanks for your help.

Harry Paul Jones (Unknown) 19.11.2010 14:15
opps i refreshed the page a couple of time sorry now.

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