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Joining Components

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2011

CategoryFarming Simulator 2011
Created30.12.2010 16:11

Jim Panousis (Jimi540) 30.12.2010 16:33
I'm buliding a new mod these days and i have a problem.
I made a basic mod wtih no specializations and no script at all.
I put my mod in the game and it is ok only with the velicle.lua as the type of the vehicle in the moddesc.xml. Its working perfect.
Then i decided to put a second component in the model. Something like the frontloader but without any frontloader attachers on it.
So, i added the second component in my .xml :

<components count="2">
<component1 centerOfMass="0 0 0" solverIterationCount="10" />
<component2 centerOfMass="0 0 0" solverIterationCount="10" />
<joint component1="0" component2="1" index="0>14|4" rotLimit="0 0 0" transLimit="0 0 0" />

The situation in the mod rootnode is that i added at the node 0 (component 1, the main root of the model) a transform group as the joint of the components at the index 14|4.
And i added the second component as dynamic, compound, collision. This has not any childs. Its just one mesh as the collision of the mesh at index 14 of the component 1.
I think that until here its fine, isnt it?

The problem is when i'm buying the mod at the store, the game crashes with game.exe crash and with no error in the log. So. i'm asking.
I must write script to join that components or there is an error somewhere else?
If i need a script can you guide me please?


Jim Panousis (Jimi540) 01.01.2011 19:47
Problem solved.

Happy new year to all!

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