Resizing Collision

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 2013

CategoryFarming Simulator 2013
Created03.09.2014 12:44

Lee Glasser (Unknown) 03.09.2014 12:46
I'm working on fine tuning a lot of mods and a few of them have major collision issues. I could resolve them if I could scale the existing collision shapes but doing so throws physics errors (e.g. "Physics: SHAPE_NAME failed. Scale not allowed for compound child objects."). Is there any way to multiply the scale against the triangles changing their size while still keeping them 1:1 scale in end product?

Moise Dubuc (Unknown) 04.09.2014 01:53
You can export the collision in Blender as a .wrml from Giants, do the resizing and replace the old one. I don't know if this gona affect the script, there should be some scripting to do. I also would like to know it cause I got some collisions to edit too and I don't know how to script base collision for models.

Lee Glasser (Unknown) 04.09.2014 22:49
Giants can export I3D and Wavefront OBJ. I3D isn't very useful other than to transfer a shape from one model to another but this Wavefront Object might work.

Wavefront object successfully loaded into Blender via import. Now to try to scale it...

It's nigh impossible to figure out what size it needs to be to fit the original model. I'm also not liking Blender. I might have to try Maya or 3Ds Max.

Lee Glasser (Unknown) 09.09.2014 12:47
I exported Wavefront OBJ from Giants Editor, imported them in 3DS MAX 2014, drew, extruded, and applied material (Blinn Wire with opacity 0%) my new collision models, deleted the stuff I imported for reference, then exported it using the Giants Exporter Plugin. Everything worked fantastic but there's a collision model inside the model I can't seem to get rid of. Any ideas how to get rid of it? I pointed white arrows at it in this picture:

It wouldn't be a problem if it didn't extend beyond the rear of the truck. :(

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