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CategoryFarming Simulator 15
Created09.04.2015 02:25

Cory Guetter (Unknown) 09.04.2015 02:29
i am new here and have no idea how to work any programs to try and make things work for me, but i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to change the Kuhn Confort or Profile to include corn in the mixture for the cows feed? I had one like this in the 2013 edition and i liked it that way because cows actually eat a lot of corn and i thought its more realistic this way to have it included in the mixture. LMK Thanks

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 09.04.2015 08:41

the scripts/logic for the mixer wagon have nearly not changed.
So you could have a look at the mod from fs13.

Anyway, first you should create a mod out of the default vehicle.
Assuming that you know how this is done ....
you just have to edit the attributes in "mixerWagonFillTypes" to accept corn (I think you mean "maize", right?)


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