Glenside farm

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created09.10.2016 00:15

Lewis Crawford (Unknown) 09.10.2016 00:17
I'm starting a big big project for Farming Simulator 17 if i work hard I'll have it done hopefully for it the be released on the game release.

It will contain a:
big forest
2 train yards
a shop
sell points
reset point
lots of farm yards like ones for [live stock] [grain storage] [vehicle storage]
tons of fields [grass and arable]
a river
high mountains you drive up

this farm will be based in Scotland just to let u know

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 10.10.2016 08:13

might be a good idea to wait for the sample mod ;)


Sergio Antolin (Unknown) 16.11.2016 12:03
me gusta la ida :)

Sergio Antolin (Unknown) 16.11.2016 12:03

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