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Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created28.10.2016 09:52

Tune Ware (TuneWarLP) 28.10.2016 09:54
Ich hab die Standard Map flach gemacht und mir ne Leere Map Erstellt und natürlich angefangen zu Bauen. Alles Läuft soweit gut. Wenn ich aber im Spiel Dresche wird keine Schwad gelegt. Warum?

Das Getreide kann ich auf den Boden Kippen.

Ist da ev Textur oder n Shader abhanden gekommen?

Emil Drefers (Unknown) 01.11.2016 08:45

please note that this forum uses the English language only.

Eventually you are using a mod combine?
In this case the combine might not be configured for fs17.
It is always a good idea to test your own mod without any other mods.

Otherwise please double check if you have all needed files in your mod map.

The log.txt might also be helpful.


Manuel Adams (Ryboth_LSL) 04.11.2016 02:11
Hey Emil....

i´ve got a smiilar Problem with the Windrows as well.....

In some Areas at my modded Map no windrows appear..... it seems the Combine stores the Straw and releases it a few meters later in a Big Pile of Straw like i dumped a tipper there.

In my Opinion there is a Issue with the TerrainDetailHeight Layer .... this happend at the "old" Location of the Main Farm of the Goldcrest Valley Map. I move the Farm elsewhere and created a big Grass Field at this Position including Fields 12, 14 and 15. Field Dimensons are set right to cover the whole Area.

Any Ideas?

Example Picture:

taken from Bosko Thread " Grass Problem"

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