Mod triggers help

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created08.12.2016 20:13

Manny Dos Santos (Unknown) 08.12.2016 20:14
Is posible mod the silo or a hay loft to fill implements like seeders, planters and spreader?

If yes, i would be very gratefull for a help, tips or documentations in how to do it.

I want to create a Seed and fertilizer storage with the ability to fill the implements.

thx in advance.

Manny Dos Santos (Unknown) 13.12.2016 03:38
Please help!!! I just want to build a Seed and fertilizer storage silo with the ability to fill implements like seeders and spreaders. A fillable storage ofc.

My ideas its buy the pallets at store and storage at farm in the silo and later fill the seeders and spreader.

Thanx in advance

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