PDA ???

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created21.12.2016 20:25

Regis Bily (dragon500) 21.12.2016 20:26


How to redo a PDA for a new map so that "missions", plowing and fertilizer are well positioned,

thank you for your reply

Kamil Patryk (Unknown) 30.12.2016 11:58
Do you mean the icons? You can set the coordinates of them in map's lua file.
I assume you mean fields by missions. You have to properly set its dimensions (by default only 4 corners, over 4 is more difficult but possible), field index, and the position of vehicles).

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.12.2016 12:40
Since FS17 the standard maps don't use an extra LUA anymore.
Things are now stored in the related "map.xml".

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