
Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created23.12.2016 22:43

William Rowe (Bonger76) 23.12.2016 22:47
need some help whant to add a placebale carWash into map,but dont no what kind of onCreate and xml is neede to get the highPressureWasher to work,If anyone Knows how Thanks,


James Norred (Cajunwolf) 24.12.2016 01:26
Is that the one in the green shed you drive into? If so I'm having the same problem, it shows up perfect, but you can't use the washer, and you can see a cone coming out of the tip outside the building. So William, like you. I'm looking for the files, or userAttribute settings in GE to get it working.

William Rowe (Bonger76) 25.12.2016 04:05
yes it the one with the gren shed , need to figure out how to get the car washes xml to load from the map like with the animatedObjects xml for the gates.


James Norred (Cajunwolf) 26.12.2016 21:09
Should be able to move a copy of the file to your map, and link it via useAttribute I'm thinking. I'll try that out when I get a chance.

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