loadVehicle: unknown type

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created28.01.2017 19:55

Bence Szabo (Bence272) 28.01.2017 20:02
Hello, i have this error in my mod:
Error loadVehicle: unknown type 'FS17_claasLexion670.claasLexion670' in 'C:/Users/kusz2/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_claasLexion670/claasLexion670.xml'
i changed the type from combine_animated_crawler to claasLexion670, because i thinkt that's the main reason why not work the interactive controls. But yet i got this error
Somebody can help to fix that problem?
Here the moddesc:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<modDesc descVersion="32">
<en>Lexion 670</en>
<de>Lexion 670</de>
<en>Lexion 670</en>
<de>Lexion 670</de>
<multiplayer supported="true"/>
<storeItem rootNode="vehicle" xmlFilename="claasLexion670.xml"/>

<brand name="CLAAS" title="CLAAS" image="textures/"/>

<specialization name="interactiveControl" className="InteractiveControl" filename="scripts/InteractiveControl.lua" />
<specialization name="interactiveWindows" className="InteractiveWindows" filename="scripts/InteractiveWindows.lua" />
<specialization name="interactiveButtons" className="InteractiveButtons" filename="scripts/InteractiveButtons.lua" />

<type name="claasLexion670" className="Vehicle" filename="dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
<specialization name="attacherJoints" />
<specialization name="lights" />
<specialization name="workArea" />
<specialization name="animatedVehicle" />
<specialization name="turnOnVehicle" />
<specialization name="cylindered" />
<specialization name="foldable" />
<specialization name="motorized" />
<specialization name="steerable" />
<specialization name="drivable" />
<specialization name="fillable" />
<specialization name="fillVolume" />
<specialization name="overloading" />
<specialization name="pipe" />
<specialization name="combine" />
<specialization name="aiVehicle" />
<specialization name="crawler" />
<specialization name="honk" />
<specialization name="bunkerSiloCompacter" />
<specialization name="washable" />
<specialization name="mountable" />
<specialization name="interactiveControl" />
<specialization name="interactiveWindows" />
<specialization name="interactiveButtons" />

<en>Switch IC State</en>
<de>IC an/abschalten</de>
<fr>Activer/Désactiver le CI</fr>
<text name="InteractiveControl_Off">
<en>Disable IC</en>
<de>IC ausschalten</de>
<fr>Désactiver le CI</fr>
<text name="InteractiveControl_On">
<en>Enable IC</en>
<de>IC anschalten</de>
<fr>Activer le CI</fr>
<text name="ic_component_close">
<en>Left Mouse Button: close %s</en>
<de>Linke Maustaste: %s schließen</de>
<fr>Clic gauche : fermer %s</fr>
<text name="ic_component_open">
<en>Left Mouse Button: open %s</en>
<de>Linke Maustaste: %s öffnen</de>
<fr>Clic gauche : ouvrir %s</fr>
<text name="ic_button_on">
<en>Left Mouse Button: activate %s</en>
<de>Linke Maustaste: %s anschalten</de>
<fr>Clic gauche : activer %s</fr>
<text name="ic_button_off">
<en>Left Mouse Button: deactivate %s</en>
<de>Linke Maustaste: %s ausschalten</de>
<fr>Clic gauche : désactiver %s</fr>
<text name="leftDoor">

<input name="INTERACTIVE_CONTROL_SWITCH" category="VEHICLE" key1="KEY_space" key2="" button="" device="0" mouse="" />

and the main xml's frist rows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<vehicle type="claasLexion670">
<name>Lexion 670</name>
<combination>FreeFlow 25FT</combination>
<size width="5" length="11" lengthOffset="0.3" />

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 28.01.2017 20:54
The modDesc <type> description must be within the tag <vehicleTypes>.

What about the "Interactive.." LUAs? Are they from FS15? At least I don't know about updates to FS17. If so, they won't work.

Bence Szabo (Bence272) 29.01.2017 02:48
Thanks for the reply, this solved the problem, and IC works as it should.

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