
Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created29.01.2017 01:51

Rogerio Emke (Unknown) 29.01.2017 02:09
Hello, How do I use the same particle Systems of FS 15 in FS 17?
I need to finish the project I started from the sugarcane culture.

Thank you

What I used in FS 15

<pipeParticleSystem type="Cana" node="0>20|0|11" psRootNode="1|0" rotation="0 0 0" file="particleSystems/CaseA8800.i3d" />
<pipeParticleSystem type="Cana" node="0>20|0|10" psRootNode="1|1" forceFullLifespan="true" rotation="0 0 0" file="particleSystems/CaseA8800.i3d" />
<pipeParticleSystem type="Cana" node="0>20|0|12" psRootNode="1|2" forceFullLifespan="true" rotation="0 0 0" file="particleSystems/CaseA8800.i3d" />
<pipeParticleSystem type="Cana" node="0>20|0|13" psRootNode="1|3" forceFullLifespan="true" rotation="0 0 0" file="particleSystems/CaseA8800.i3d" />
<pipeParticleSystem type="Cana" node="0>20|0|14" psRootNode="1|4" forceFullLifespan="true" rotation="0 0 0" file="particleSystems/CaseA8800.i3d" />

Rogerio Emke (Unknown) 03.02.2017 23:57
Can someone please help me?

Bd Bdbssb (bdbssb) 09.03.2017 02:28
Are you trying to make a particle system for a fabrik building or load sugar cane from a silo?

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