Cow manure does not appear

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created28.02.2017 19:36

Celio Poleza (poleza) 28.02.2017 19:41
The cows are producing manure, but the pile does not appear in the stable. In pigs it is normal, it has production and the pile appears in the sty.
This happened after the last update, before it was normal. I use a 4x map.

Larry Horse (Larry) 28.02.2017 23:50
Take a look in user attributes for cows and check out what is the value of manure plane. the numbers are min/max Y movement of a crap plane in relation to transform group of cows, so if The cow zone is 000 and you ground is 0 100 0, the plane has to be somewhere around the ground level for you to see it.Basically, it means how high or low it is in relation to other things in cow zone.Also, check the if the things are in right order in cow zone.

Celio Poleza (poleza) 01.03.2017 00:56
In the stable of the cows does not own the manure planes. Only has the definition where the plane appears, and this is correct. The strange thing is that everything was working before the last update.

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