Unload with belts fasten

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created31.03.2017 16:03

Rok Galun (grmodding) 31.03.2017 19:00
Hello. I have problem with belts. I add belts on round bale forks. So, when i fasten belts around bale on forks and turn it (unload it) the bale stay on the same place. But if i unfasten belts then i can do with bale what i want. Can anyone help me?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 01.04.2017 11:04
What's wrong with it?
The (tension) belts are meant to secure the load. Also in real life you have to release them first before you can unload.

So use the assigned key/button for TOGGLE_TENSION_BELTS.
Otherwise you had to write a custom LUA script which releases automatically on unload.

Rok Galun (grmodding) 01.04.2017 12:45
Yes know, but unload is not animated its handle with mouse. Its will be enough if will write in screen before you will turn forks: "first remove belts". But i don`t know how to do it

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