Edit vanilla vehicles

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created24.05.2017 23:32

Jeremy Ritch (Unknown) 24.05.2017 23:32
I have been trying to edit the vanilla vehicles in fs17 but when I open them in the editor they are invisible. I copy the vehicle files into a new folder and open the .i3d Am I missing a step? I have searched the forums and google but cannot find an answer. Thanks!

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.05.2017 01:11
1. With a simple copy probably not all necessary files are touched.
2. Most vanilla i3d use a relative path (to install folder).

Load the vanilla i3d into GE and then do Files -> "New Mod from Game" or "Export all with Files".
You should choose a neutral folder for the duplicate, not controlled by Win UAC.

Also a good idea: read the modding tutorials in the FS install folder "sdk\moddingHandbook" and look on this site in "Video Tutorials".

Jeremy Ritch (Unknown) 25.05.2017 01:38
Ok great thank you Bilbo, I will give it a shot

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