Vehicle unkown error

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created29.11.2017 07:25

Chandler Sulffridge (gp50bn) 29.11.2017 07:25
I have googles every forum about fixing vehicle unkown errors and i have not been able to fix it, i have even asked some modder friends to look at the xml files and they cant help ether. What i get more specificly is a "error loadVehicle type unkown" i have this for 2 mods i have narrowed it down to being in the moddesc xmls. I will upload both files if you can see the issue please help me.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<modDesc descVersion="32">
<author>GIANTS Software GmbH</author>
<en>Pitts LB35</en>
<de>Pitts LB35</de>
<en>Good trailer to haul around equipment.</en>
<de>Good trailer to haul around equipment.</de>
<multiplayer supported="true"/>
<text name="input_ramps">
<en>Raise/Lower Ramps</en>
<text name="objectAttacherAttach">
<en>Load Lock</en>
<text name="objectAttacherDetach">
<en>Load UnLock</en>
<specialization name="Fenster" className="toggleAnimatedParts" filename="scripts/toggleAnimatedParts.lua"/>
<specialization name="objectAttacher" className="objectAttacher" filename="scripts/objectAttacher.lua"/>
<type name="pittslb35" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
<specialization name="attacherJoints"/>
<specialization name="lights"/>
<specialization name="attachable"/>
<specialization name="animatedVehicle"/>
<specialization name="trailer"/>
<specialization name="cylindered"/>
<specialization name="foldable"/>
<specialization name="washable"/>
<specialization name="mountable"/>
<specialization name="Fenster"/>
<specialization name="objectAttacher"/>
<specialization name="tensionBelts" />
<input name="ramps" key1="KEY_v" button=""/>
<input name="objectAttacher" key1="KEY_z" button=""/>
<storeItem xmlFilename="pittsLB35TM.xml"/>
<brand name="PITTS" title="Pitts" image=""/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<modDesc descVersion="32">
<en>Felling 30ft </en>
<de>Felling 30ft</de>
<en>A good trailer for small machines that is commonly pulled behind a truck. </en>
<de>Felling 30ft</de>
<multiplayer supported="true"/>
<text name="NWDC">
<en>NW Digital Creations</en>
<text name="Lock">
<en>Lock load</en>
<de>Last sperren</de>
<text name="Unlock">
<en>Unlock load</en>
<de>Last entsperren</de>
<text name="unfold_OBJECT">
<en>ramps down</en>
<text name="fold_OBJECT">
<en>ramps up</en>
<sourceFile filename="scripts/WorkStateEvent.lua"/>
<sourceFile filename="NWDC.lua"/>

<specialization name="objectAttacher" className="objectAttacher" filename="scripts/objectAttacher.lua"/>
<type name="Felling" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
<specialization name="attacherJoints"/>
<specialization name="lights"/>
<specialization name="attachable"/>
<specialization name="animatedVehicle"/>
<specialization name="cylindered"/>
<specialization name="foldable"/>
<specialization name="objectAttacher"/>
<specialization name="tensionBelts"/>
<storeItem xmlFilename="Felling.xml" rootNode="vehicle"/>
<brand name="FELLING" title="Felling" image=""/>

R Harris (Unknown) 26.12.2017 17:36
Can you send the error log or maybe send the mods this would be way faster to fix or try to fix?


Jak Jakjak (Unknown) 05.01.2018 01:44
I'm not very experienced, AND you may have solved this already (if so, post the answer please)
.... but do you have a line
<vehicle type="xxxxxx">
in the corresponding vehicle.xml
matching exactly the 2 type names in your moddesc xml files??

for your moddesc.xml containing:
<type name="pittslb35"

the matching vehicle.xml:

should start with something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<vehicle type="pittslb35">


ditto for the second moddesc.xml with:
<type name="Felling"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<vehicle type="Felling">

...sometimes a typo is really easy to overlook.
- jack

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