Category | Farming Simulator 17 |
Created | 24.08.2018 21:11 |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 24.08.2018 21:11 |
Hello, I need to modify the PricePerLiter base in my mod script, I'm using this script: local wheat = FillUtil.fillTypeIndexToDesc[FillUtil.FILLTYPE_WHEAT]; wheat.pricePerLiter = wheat.pricePerLiter * 1.5; but this code work only on my mod "inizialize" event Instead I need to change the prices mainly on my mod "update" event, but wont work the log is clear and nothing happens (no changes occures) Please and thank you for help |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 25.08.2018 12:52 |
After the map was initialized, the sell prices are held by the "EconomyManager". To get the price use "g_currentMission.economyManager:getPricePerLiter(FillUtil.FILLTYPE_xxx)" I didn't examine so far, but there should? exist the appropriate function "setPricePerLiter(..)". Best was, you examine (dump) the "g_currentMission.economyManager" to get the name of valid functions. Perhaps you'll find also other interesting functions or variables. |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 25.08.2018 14:40 |
Bilbo thank you for the reply, i found nothing about "EconomyManager" documentation or examples do you have some links? thx |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 26.08.2018 01:22 |
No surprise. Giants is very reserved publishing docs which go deeper into the game mechanics. *g* Also I don't know about external tutorials. You must make it like all others: trial and error. Examine the "g_currentMission.economyManager" table and probably you'll find useful stuff. Write an own function to dump the table or use the DebugUtil "printTableRecursively". |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 26.08.2018 20:09 |
Hi Bilbo, I examinated the "g_currentMission.economyManager" table, but it isnt useful for my problem, instead I need to "override" the TipTrigger object Then I wrote this code: local oldTipTriggerPrice = TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice; TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice = function(self) local updateTipTriggerPrice = oldTipTriggerPrice(self, FillUtil.FILLTYPE_WHEAT); return updateTipTriggerPrice * mymod.adjustPriceFactor end; but ocured this error: Error: Running LUA method 'update'. dataS/scripts/triggers/TipTrigger.lua(521) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value in TipTrigger.lua (line 521) there is this code: function TipTrigger:getEffectiveFillTypePrice(fillType) if self.isServer then return ((self.fillTypePrices[fillType] + self.fillTypePriceRandomDelta[fillType]) * self.priceMultipliers[fillType]) else return self.fillTypePrices[fillType] end end I cant figure out solve it.... can u help me? |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 26.08.2018 20:55 |
Directly overriding a function entry is never a good idea - and sometimes dangerous. *g* And your assignment " = function(self)" will not work. Instead use the FS functions "functionEntry = Utils.XXXFunction(oldFunction, newFunction)" where XXX may be "overridden", "appended" or "prepended". Best place is outside your mod's functions, but in the base code. In your case I'd suggest eg.: ---------- TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice = Utils.overriddenFunction(TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice, myMod.getPrice) ---------- In your code of "myMod" is then the "function myMod.getPrice(fillType)". There you can examine the fillType and decide to use the original code or branch to your own. |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 26.08.2018 23:24 |
Bilbo, ok works, but the original func "TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice" returns a value, and I dont know how return my value with "myMod.getPrice()" This is my code: function myMod.getPrice(self, superFunc, fillType) if superFunc ~= nil then superFunc(self, fillType) --- <---- How change the "superFunc" value with my value??? end end TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice = Utils.overwrittenFunction(TipTrigger.getEffectiveFillTypePrice, myMod.getPrice) pls hlp...thank you so much for yr support :) PS: I dont want to change the values of the original object I want to change only the returned value of the original func |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 26.08.2018 23:50 |
You don't need superFunc. Simply copy the original code into your getPrice function. Example: ---------- function myMod.getPrice(fillType) -- at first examine fillType if (fillType is of kind I want to change) then -- calculate myPrice return myPrice else -- here you insert the original code end end ---------- And yes - of course it is "overwrittenFunction" and not "overriddenFunction" .. *sigh* long ago I used this stuff. ;) |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 28.08.2018 11:50 |
thank you Bilbo, Now WORKS!! just a little question: how can i format a value with thousands saparator? my code: function mymod.reformatMoney(value) return tostring(value):reverse():gsub("%d%d%d", "%1,"):reverse():gsub("^,", "") end Unfortunately I cant change "," with "." Current Output for value=1000000: 1,000,000 But I need this Output: 1.000.000 thank you for the support :) |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 28.08.2018 13:01 |
This worked at least in earlier FS: textToDisplay = tostring(g_i18n:formatNumber(value, decimals)) It requires the game language is set properly. The "tostring" is for safety when for some reason the g_i18n result is nil. The g_i18n has/had also a direct conversion "g_i18n:formatMoney(..)" |
Bio Medical Extetion (Unknown) | 29.08.2018 16:54 |
Bilbo, thank you again :) |
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