crop stubble shadows

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created15.09.2018 05:01

J Bartsch (Jbartsch) 15.09.2018 05:01
how do you get rid of the crop stubble shadows? I mean when you cut a crop like wheat for example... the stubble looks extremely dark when facing opposite of the sun light which it doesn't do that in real life. is it possible at all to remove it from creating shadows or reduce the effect somehow? thx

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 15.09.2018 15:17
Probably not possible (with the current game engine). Crops are 'stamped' onto the map by shaders and have no explicite transparency.
They also miss the features of i3d models like shadow map description and others.

Primary a concession to performance. Even a high end PC would slow down dramatically.

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