All the vehicles are gone

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created27.09.2018 16:03

Thomas H (Unknown) 27.09.2018 16:03
Have many vehicles both Mods and those from the set list in the game. Suddenly after loading everything is gone. There is not a single spot on the card.
Have tried to put in earlier savegame but same problem.
What happened?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 27.09.2018 19:55
Most probably a faulty mod causes this, perhaps in concurrence with another mod.
There are some known mods which wreck the savegame.

There are two ways to test:
1. Remove one mod after another from mod folder.
2. Remove ALL mods from mod folder and (re)insert one mod after another.
After each step you have to test for proper function and savegame.

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