Error when convert mod from FS17 to FS19

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created10.01.2019 23:08

Alex Cosmin (Alex35BzH) 10.01.2019 23:08
Hello everyone!

I have some errors trying to convert a mod and i don't really know how to fix that

Warning C:/Users... No width defined for wheel 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0).physics#width'! Using default value of 0.5!

Warning C:/Users... Missing 'functionName' for workArea 'vehicle.workAreas.workArea(0)'!

Warning: Could not resolve axis icon name 'balayeuse$dataS2/menu/moveControls/tool_openClose.png'. Check vehicle and axis icon configurations.

For the last error, in-game i can move tool right and left using right-click and turning right and left, but when i right-click the shown command is : <LeftShift + K + , > and in the .xml -> moving tool cmd is :

<controls axis="ROTATE_OBJECT_LEFT_RIGHT" invertAxis="true" mouseSpeedFactor="0.3" iconName="$dataS2/menu/moveControls/tool_openClose.png"/>

If some know how to fix that, i will be very happy

Alex Cosmin (Alex35BzH) 13.01.2019 13:37

Hans De Lange (Hansdl) 13.10.2019 15:00
How did you do that

Vac 9181 (vac9181) 12.06.2020 15:52
How did you fix the Warning C:/Users... No width defined for wheel 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0).physics#width'! Using default value of 0.5! ??? plz delete one of these pc lagged out and posted two

Vac 9181 (vac9181) 12.06.2020 15:52
How did you fix the Warning C:/Users... No width defined for wheel 'vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0).physics#width'! Using default value of 0.5! ???

Full Name (GUILLAUMEE) 19.12.2022 12:10

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