controlI3DAnim help

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 17

CategoryFarming Simulator 17
Created28.04.2021 21:05

Davis Vvv (veinbergs1994) 28.04.2021 21:05
Can someone help me i create container and using this(down you can se) a animation that i can play in editor but the problem starts i dont know how make animation work when i am standing next to container i try find all in difrent mods but no luck i copy all from difrent mods and change all to my mod but not working i dont even see the help menu when i am next to container i find most mods are using controlI3DAnim.lua
but there are no tutorial how to set it up

<AnimationSet name="Your animation set name">
<Clip name="ForkASource" duration="your time duration of animation">
<Keyframes nodeId="node id of animated part">
<Keyframe time="time 1" scale="1 1 1"/>
<Keyframe time="time 2 if needed" rotation="1 1 1"/>
<Keyframe time="final time(duration)" translation="1 1 1"/>

Davis Vvv (veinbergs1994) 20.05.2021 03:09
Found problem vehicleType wasnt not the same like in modDesc and xml thats why <specialization name="i3danim"/> did not work

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