Something with farmlands

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created07.11.2022 20:15

Šimon Imro (SimkoDL) 07.11.2022 20:15
Hello guys, Iam editing map but i have no idea what is this and how to fix it , can somebody tell me please ?

2022-11-07 20:06 C:/Users/korby/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/pdlc/claasPack/particleSystems/effect_materialHolder.i3d (3.95 ms)
2022-11-07 20:06 C:/Users/korby/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/pdlc/andersonPack/particleSystems/particle_materialHolder.i3d (5.87 ms)
2022-11-07 20:06 Warning: Farmland-Ids not set for all pixel in farmland-infoLayer!
2022-11-07 20:06 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2022-11-07 20:06 dataS/scripts/fieldJobs/FieldManager.lua(91) : attempt to index local 'farmland' (a nil value)
2022-11-07 20:06 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2022-11-07 20:06 dataS/scripts/fieldJobs/FieldManager.lua(105) : attempt to index field 'farmland' (a nil value)
2022-11-07 20:06 C:/Users/korby/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_MC_GrainStorageSilo_S/Silo.i3d (102.75 ms)
2022-11-07 20:06 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2022-11-07 20:06 dataS/scripts/fieldJobs/FieldManager.lua(432) : attempt to index field 'farmland' (a nil value)
2022-11-07 20:06 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
2022-11-07 20:06 dataS/scripts/fieldJobs/Field.lua(103) : attempt to index field 'farmland' (a nil value)
2022-11-07 20:06 data/store/ui/shop.i3d (42.64 ms)

Robert Mcnicol (Earth2020) 21.11.2022 14:47
The Warning: Farmland-Ids not set for all pixel in farmland-infoLayer! An error after editing/changing by painting Farm Lots (FarmIDs)

I got this error last year and the culprit is usually, leaving a wrong coloured pixel (Farm ID) left when Painting over or editing the map. Also I failed to edit the FarmLands.XML file to match the changes I had made.

Hope this helps.

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