Paint by spline ID numbers?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created11.02.2023 22:24

Gert-jan Broekhuizen (GJGAMES) 11.02.2023 22:24
Does anyone know which or where i can find the ID's for any material like grass or sand?
When i look in the script of paint by spline it gives 3 examples grass gravel and asphalt but nothing more.
I did look everywher on google even checked all xml files from the GE and the base game but nowhere i find the correct ids.
I once found it at blackpanther modding but i cant find there site neither can i find it on here

"Try this"

Which i got from colin smith here on the forum.

If anyone knows something please let me know as it would speed up the process of my map and hopefully others to.

M_k Mcd4 (MKMcD) 16.02.2023 03:43
Open the i3d file in a text editor.
Look for Layer
The first layer is 1, the second is 2, etc.
For a Combined Layer. the first combined layer is the last Layer plus 1, then keep adding 1 to the previous combined layer.

Colin Smith (WrinkleysRule) 16.02.2023 11:05
Easy way is to in GE create new script name it TerrainLayers and copy paste the following code into it then save and execute it will print the ID's/names of all the terrain Layers in the console log

-- Author:Stegei
-- Name:TerrainLayers
-- Description: Prints list of terrain texture layers for Paint Terrain by spline
-- Icon:
-- Hide: no

local worldRoot = getRootNode()
local file = getSceneFilename()
local map = getChildAt(worldRoot,0)
local mTerrainID = getChild(map, "terrain")
local numLayers = getTerrainNumOfLayers(mTerrainID)
for i =0,numLayers-1 do
textureName = getTerrainLayerName(mTerrainID, i)
print(string.format("Texture No :%d:Texture Name : %s", i, textureName))
print("\nOpen Spline Utils Paint Script to continue")

Re previous link, you were supposed to download the scripts and use the tutorials to help understand the paint by spline operation

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