second bga

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created11.02.2019 21:19

Adam Shorrock (farmerads) 11.02.2019 21:19
hi all
I was wondering if there was a way to install a second bga plant on my mod map as ive tried and had no luck :( every time I try it comes back with a on screen message saying I have to many of this item please sell some first??? ive made the bga as a mod to install threw the mod folder rather than on the GE. could the problem be the class name "BGAplaceable" and there being a limit to how many can be installed?? I have other placeable items in the map that are duplicated and have no issues. could someone please help

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 11.02.2019 22:38
Yes - the placeableType 'bgaPlaceable' may exist only once on a map.

Adam Shorrock (farmerads) 11.02.2019 23:18
thanks for your quick response, does anybody know a way around this problem?? is there another class name or on create tag that can be used??

Hendrik Elkmann (derelky) 12.02.2019 08:50
the BGA itself cant be placed only loaded by the MAP Items.XML but you can build as many as you want (we have 8 on our Map) and you can copy the Trigger Entry in the items.xml in your Savegame. So we build a Deko BGA as placeable and after it was placed we stop the server copy an Trigger in the ITEMS.XML and adjust the FarmID and the position and it works.

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