Error in GE 8.1.0

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created20.02.2019 04:35

Anthony Queen (tqueen113) 20.02.2019 04:35
I have an issue converting a map. This is a 4x map and I found my gdm and grle files were not the correct size along with the weight files being incorrect so I fixed all that and had no terrainDetail in the foliage paint window just terrainDetailHeight. So I went and copied the correct lines of code from another map and got it back but now I get an error in the editor that I do not understand.

Error: 'terrainDetail_Shape5_7' (terrainDetail_Shape5_7) doesn't have all required vertex attributes for material 'stage_mat'.

Any Ideas on how to fix this?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 20.02.2019 10:05
Can have several reasons - google for
FS19 Error "doesn't have all required vertex attributes"

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