Scrolling Animation

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created06.03.2019 00:42

Bjarne Deleers (bjarnedeleers) 06.03.2019 00:42
I'm making a potato harvester i draw all my belts but now i want to put a scrolling animation on it. I have tried to animation the uv on it but for some reason giants editor doesn't read the animation.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 06.03.2019 02:39
Look into some default vehicles with belt. The scroll animation is handled usually by shaders.

Bjarne Deleers (bjarnedeleers) 06.03.2019 23:17
they roll from left to right now they need to roll up to down possible to fix this i look 3hour for it and doesnt find it

Bjarne Deleers (bjarnedeleers) 07.03.2019 01:02
I found the problem :)

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