Setting up map hotspots

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created05.04.2019 14:08

Martin Lund Kristensen (Lundy836) 05.04.2019 14:08
Hey there

Does anyone know the image UV for the pig hotspot?
I have the placeable loaded at the coords: 0 0 0 but the building is moved to a different location on the map, so I have to setup a custom hotspot.
I figured it out for all the other animals, but I can't seem to get the icon for the pigs right.

I have setup the following hotspots in the map.xml and all of them work, but the icon for the pigs is currently a horse and I can't seem to get it right:

<hotspot name="Chicken coop" fullName="$l10n_animals_chickenCoop" imageUVs="8 264 240 240" xMapPos="955" zMapPos="-658" blinking="false" persistent="false" showName="true" hidable="true" renderLast="false" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS" />

<hotspot name="Cow barn" fullName="$l10n_animals_cowPasture" imageUVs="520 264 240 240" xMapPos="800" zMapPos="-601" blinking="false" persistent="false" showName="true" hidable="true" renderLast="false" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS" />

<hotspot name="Pig stable" fullName="$l10n_animals_pigPasture" imageUVs="264 240 240 240" xMapPos="987" zMapPos="-453" blinking="false" persistent="false" showName="true" hidable="true" renderLast="false" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS" />

<hotspot name="Sheep meadow" fullName="$l10n_animals_sheepPasture" imageUVs="776 264 240 240" xMapPos="1619" zMapPos="-1305" blinking="false" persistent="false" showName="true" hidable="true" renderLast="false" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS" />

<hotspot name="Horse stable" fullName="$l10n_animals_horseStable" imageUVs="264 264 240 240" xMapPos="623" zMapPos="-1224" blinking="false" persistent="false" showName="true" hidable="true" renderLast="false" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS" />

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.04.2019 15:17
Use like in default stable
<hotspot name="Pig stable" fullName="$l10n_animals_pigPasture" imageName="PIG_STABLE" ...

Martin Lund Kristensen (Lundy836) 05.04.2019 20:47
Sadly that doesn't work when I setup the hotspot in the map.xml file. It won't accept imageName
And if I try setting the hotspot in the pigsheed xml, it won't accept the x and z map offset

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 06.04.2019 04:24
Unluckily the icon image file is in dataS.gar or dataS2.gar which are not public.
Perhaps try with the FS17 imageUVs cow="520 264 240 240", sheep="264 264 240 240", pig="776 264 240 240", chicken="8 264 240 240". Assignment might have changed, try all.

Anyway it's better if you add the hotspot in the related husbandry xml. There the icon is positioned relative to the stable location and you don't need x,z coordinates.

Martin Lund Kristensen (Lundy836) 06.04.2019 09:50
It looks like the addition of horses in FS19 has messed up the imageUV's from 17. Or atleast the one for pigs.
I've tried just about any combination and at some point I even found the combination for trains :D
But I think you are right, Bilbo. I guess it is better to realign the pigstable to coord 0 0 0 in it's own i3d, and then set the offset in the map.xml, so the hotspot is positioned relative to the stable.
Was kinda hoping someone would have found the numbers for the pig imageUV, so I didn't need to change anything ;)

But if anyone needs the imageUV's for the other animals, they are now listed in the first post in this thread.
And thanks again Bilbo for helping out :)

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