Spawned Vehicles

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created18.04.2019 17:36

Zachary Benson (DS_Gaming) 18.04.2019 17:36
There are some parked vehicles on a mod map on the starting farm I want to remove but there is not a physical vehicle within the id3 file where would I look such as XML file name to remove these vehicles

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.04.2019 18:14
In GE search for splines -> trafficSystem -> parkedCars
These are the placeholders where the cars are inserted, in GE you'll see only the gizmo.
Browse down (with arrow key) until you get the right position.
You may move the transform or delete it.

Zachary Benson (DS_Gaming) 18.04.2019 20:08
Thank you for the help

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