Problem with edited map

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created20.04.2019 06:57

Shawn Cowman (SndGrdn) 20.04.2019 06:57

I have added some trees (duplicated a tree already on the map) to Taylors_FarmV1_3 in GE. Now when I go into the game and start a new game the new trees show up and everything seems to be working fine. But when I save the game and exit then restart the game and load the new savegame the trees I added are missing. If I start a new game the trees are there and if I open the map in GE the trees are still there...

Windows 10
FS19 with 1,3 patch
GE 8.1.0 Build Date Feb 9 2019

Thank you in advance for any help with this...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 20.04.2019 07:52
Pay attention to the game log. There should be errors announced.
Also for certain kinds of trees exist limits in amount, if they can be 'harvested'.

Shawn Cowman (SndGrdn) 20.04.2019 13:09
Thanks, The trees are not harvestable...just decoration

In the log file the only thing I see is: DensityMap: failed to load image.

How do I create this file?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 20.04.2019 14:16
There are several density maps. Look into subfolder mapXX and search for *density*.
Compare with a proper standard map (and its savegame) to see what is missing.

Shawn Cowman (SndGrdn) 20.04.2019 15:19
I'm not getting the DensityMap failed to load message. I copied the density map files from the original map

Still have same issue.

When I start a new savegame and load this map the trees I added are on the map in the game. When I save and exit FS19, then restart FS19 and load the savegame the tree I added are missing. there are no error messges in the log file. The only mod in my mods folder is this map.

I'm not sure what to try next...

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 20.04.2019 18:10
Check your savegame date/time stamp whether it was written at all.
After googling for this map I've found in comments it is obviously still buggy somewhere.
Contact the author.

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