Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 28.04.2019 12:25 |
Frenk Klec (Unknown) | 28.04.2019 12:25 |
как нарисовать плавные переходы между травой и грунтом как в ФС 17? Выставляю в редакторе кисти но все ресует жостко. Зачем так жостко все поменяли эти разрабы??????????????????? Изминения от разрабов в худшую сторону!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how to draw smooth transitions between grass and soil as in FS 17? I expose in the editor of the brush, but everything resists zhostko. Why so hard everyone changed these developed ????????????????????? Changes from the developers for the worse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) | 28.04.2019 14:51 |
Instead you can now work with unlimited textures, where in FS17 only four textures per chunk were possible. With some experience one can achieve very smooth transitions by using the different texture variations. |
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