Where can I fing LIZARD's logo

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created13.05.2019 11:39

Bartek Perkowski (Unknown) 13.05.2019 11:39
Hi, I'm making an object to FS and I'd like to use lizard's logo but I'cant find it on the net in desired resolution - Have you any links? .png or vector?

Fs19,modder (Erix05) 13.05.2019 14:28
Can not use the brand logo included in the game data?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 19\data\store\brands
This folder contains .dds files of brand logo

Bartek Perkowski (Unknown) 13.05.2019 15:14
Thanks - it's enough to convert it into vector ;)

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