Repair Scale

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created21.05.2019 22:38

Nuno Rodrigues (Elgroo) 21.05.2019 22:38
How to change the repair or maintenance needed in a mode.
Is the a command line?


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 22.05.2019 04:31
In the vehicle.xml
<wearable wearDuration=".." workMultiplier=".." fieldMultiplier=".."/>

Increase the 'wearDuration' for longer service intervals. The '..Multiplier' should be self-explanatory.

Nuno Rodrigues (Elgroo) 26.05.2019 13:19

Darius Masas (DariusMa) 30.12.2019 16:33
Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin),

But what if there is no <wearable wearDuration=".." workMultiplier=".." fieldMultiplier=".."/> in the vehicle.xml file?
I have couple of mods that don't have this line but they still need maintenance.

Thanks a lot for your thoughts.


Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.12.2019 16:48
See for reference LUADOCs -> Specializations -> Wearable
If the <wearable> tag is missing, defaults are inserted:
<wearable wearDuration="600" workMultiplier="20" fieldMultiplier="2"/>

Darius Masas (DariusMa) 30.12.2019 17:15
Thank you Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) for a very quick response!
Though I am not that smart with the scripting.
Could you please tell me if it's possible to change the default setting <wearable wearDuration="600" workMultiplier="20" fieldMultiplier="2"/> and how?

Thanks again!

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 30.12.2019 19:31
If the mod doesn't have this tag <wearable .. /> simply add it. Change the values as you wish.

Darius Masas (DariusMa) 02.01.2020 17:37
Got it, Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin), thank you very much!

Ryan Easte (Ashworth) 20.02.2024 22:55
Could someone please point me in the direction of a reference for the values eg 5 vs setting 20 ?

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