Giants Editor Problem

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created31.05.2019 23:49

Filip Cat (FilipPlayer54) 31.05.2019 23:49
Hello, I'm making a map and I'm painting the ground with Terrain detail texture paint mode in Giants Editor 8.1.0, but when im in game, i cant see any texture on the ground, only the grass. The same problem is with Terrain Foliage Player Mode, I can't see any plants in game (earlier it was working). While server is running I can see the errors, which says: Failed to load distance texture 'There is path for my map in mod, and for textures' I was looking there, and everything is there, so i dont know why it dont want to load

Filip Cat (FilipPlayer54) 31.05.2019 23:56
ok sorry remove it if you can, i just removed folder data by a mistake

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