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Need help with animal trailer

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.06.2019 01:24

Way2drunk2walk (way2drunk2walk2) 02.06.2019 01:24
Hello All,
Is there anywhere I can find an I3D file containing all of the animals? I am making a trailer to transport animals and it would be very helpful if I had the animal meshes so I can determine where to put them in the trailer. As far as I know there is no way to import them from the DataS2 file.
Any and all help will be much appreciated.

Gtx | Andy (GtX_Andy) 02.06.2019 10:12
So I was sitting with my laptop away from home when I saw this post. I had so waiting to do so I decided to write a quick GE script to help you. ;-)

Basically this script will import each animal type and place it inside the child nodes of the main TG you have selected.
When finished adjusting the animals node select the main TG again and run the script a second time and all the animals will be removed.

The main TG for each animal type you will select before running the script must be named as follows. and contain the child nodes you wish to add the temporary meshes too.


See the Wilson Trailer 'Silverstar' for an example.

Please always keep copies of you mod when using GE Scripts as anything created or changed by a GE script
can not be undone using the undo / redo features in GE.

I hope this helps,


Open Giants Editor 8.1 or above and create a new script called Import Static Animals .

Scripts > Create new Script..

Delete any text visible in the script editor that just opened. Now paste the code below.

If you wish to add an Icon to your toolbar then select the 'Toolbar' drop down at the top of the script editor window and select one of the positions.

Now provide the 'gamePath' inside the " " found at line 24. See the example on line 17.

Press save and it is ready to use.

UPDATE: Due to bad formatting on this out of date forum platform ;-(, I have moved the code here ;-)

Way2drunk2walk (way2drunk2walk2) 03.06.2019 01:45
You sir are a truly amazing person. Thank you.

John Doe (dezza069) 03.06.2019 06:09
Thanks for sharing Andy, that's awesome. You've inspired me to learn how to script for the editor, thanks. :)

Juan Figueroa (jitrief) 08.07.2021 20:39
Hi, what code it is?, canĀ“t understand instrucctions of Gtx_Andy, looks like something delete some words

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