Feldbinder Trailer Pack by Ap0lLo MOD

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created18.06.2019 08:26

Unknown 18.06.2019 08:26
Hey guys,

I need help with the slurry trailer, I cant unload it at the BGA and I've tried messing with the code but no luck.

If there is someone that has any ideas what is missing then i would be very grateful.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.06.2019 12:56
You must own the BGA (farmland) before you can unload anything there.

Unknown 19.06.2019 00:32
I do own the BGA and can get it to unload but have to pick up the trailer and put it on top of the unload part. Its an issue with the trigger size or location on the trailer and i cant seem to work out what needs to be altered in the editor or XML to fix it?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 19.06.2019 01:31
Look for the 'dischargeNode' in i3d (position) and in xml (size).
Since it's a liquids tank, the unload position is not necessarily at back (like a tipper).

Guilherme Simionato Câmpara (guicamprinha) 11.05.2024 12:57
Bom dia, o mod a cima citado FELBINDER TRAILER PACK by APOLLO MOD, tem incompatibilidade com o mod FS19 SEASON. Na descarga do equipamento acontece o defeito. Sem o mod season o trailer descarrega completo.
" O defeito", o equipamento tem duas partes, dianteira e traseira, no ato de descarregar é possível apenas em uma das partes ou inverso.

Florian Riedmüller (florian254) 05.02.2025 22:36
ls 19 mod von dem feht mher vom pc u sb

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