Update patch 1.4

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created28.06.2019 01:27

Tony Portnall (tjp14) 28.06.2019 01:27
I wonder if anyone can help? I am new to map making and modding and I am curious how one would update a mod or a map to be compatible with the new patch 1.4

I was recently playing the map, Pinewood Farms but since the 1.4 patch, its impossible to play with freezing and latency etc. I rolled back to patch 1.3 and it now works fine.

I was just wondering if its a xml coding one would change or something like that?

I hope someone can advise. Thanks so much.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 28.06.2019 08:20
The 'troublemakers' are commonly mods which didn't follow the Giants' guidelines, perhaps using glitches which were fixed by update.
In general the logs of game and editor give enough hints to fix occuring errors.
Also the logs indicate the source of error, lua runtime failure or xml problem.

Tony Portnall (tjp14) 28.06.2019 10:13
Thanks for your swift reply Bilbo. I will check out the logs and see if I can discover what the issue is.

Much appreciated.

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