Giants Editor wont open

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created01.07.2019 07:17

Patrick Dolezal (jammer1967) 01.07.2019 07:17
I just downloaded current version of Giants Editor. I have Windows 10 on my laptop. When i try to open Editor, i get the two windows to pop up, but they close within 10 seconds on their own. Any and all help would be appraciated.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 01.07.2019 08:33
First at all check the editor log for errors: {USER}\AppData\Local\GIANTS Editor ...\editor_log.txt

If the logfile doesn't exist, the editor wasn't started successfully. The reason is commonly insufficient system or resources.

Patrick Dolezal (jammer1967) 02.07.2019 00:53
Thanks for the quick reply Bilbo. No logfile was found. i assume my laptop isnt capable of handling. Can you recommend min requirements for a PC to handle Editor?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.07.2019 06:07
Minimum: ( * = essential)
CPU: 2-Core, 3.5 GHz
GPU: 4 GB VRAM, * OpenGL 4.5 capable
OS: Windows 7, * 64bit

It may run on lower systems, but is no fun anymore ;)

Isaiah Howe (Unknown) 11.07.2019 05:44
how do I i it?

Unknown 10.08.2019 11:14
Hello, is it possible that the editor will not start if I have a 2.4Ghz CPU and not a 3.5Ghz CPU?

P Tschirhart (AwesomeLiquor) 15.08.2019 23:53
depends on direct X 11.* if you dont have the proper Direct X the 'Shaders' will not load causing crash . had a machine i had to update , to make work .... Simon --- it was on a 2.4ghs cpu (old gateway)

hope this helps

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 16.08.2019 03:35
No - the editor doesn't use DirectX, but OpenGL.
At least OpenGL 4.5 is required for the GE 8.x.

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