Floating vehicles/trailers

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created09.07.2019 23:32

Ben Wallace (Unknown) 09.07.2019 23:32
Is anyone having issues with floating trailers and vehicles. I have a grain trailer that "bounces" all over the road. I've tried increasing the mass of the trailer. Seemed to work for a short time before it started bouncing around again.

Also the in giants field roller did the same thing for what ever reason. Thanks.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 10.07.2019 03:46
At the very first look into game log for errors -> {USER}\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator...\log.txt

If it occurs also with default vehicles, there's something wrong with your map. Make sure you have a waterplane with attribute "isMainWater:true".
It it's on mod vehicle only, check this for inappropriate solid body types.

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