How do I stop a seeder from direct seeding

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created04.08.2019 13:17

Ed Weatherup (Blue_Painted) 04.08.2019 13:17
I'm doing a bit of an edit on a planter/seeder and I want to stop it from direct seeding -- i.e. sowing when the ground isn't cultivated. I'm only editing the XML at the moment (no access to GE on this laptop) and it seemed to me that this bit is the important bit:

<sowingMachine fillUnitIndex="1">
<seedFruitTypeCategories>planter sowingMachine</seedFruitTypeCategories>
<needsActivation value="true"/>
<useDirectPlanting value="true"/>
<work template="DEFAULT_SOWING_WORK" linkNode="0>" />

I've tried setting the <useDirectPlanting value="true"/> to false but it still sows seeds in harvested ground.

What might I be missing? Any suggestions much appreciated.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 04.08.2019 15:35
If you set <useDirectPlanting value="false"/> it should do the job.
Either you've made a mistake on editing or you have an unedited .zip double still in your mod directory.

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