Photo Map for FS19

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created02.09.2019 01:18

Basti Getregt (Unknown) 02.09.2019 01:18
Hello there,

I converted a mod from FS17 to FS19 and since a bunch of visual things changed I need to take new shop photos.
In FS17 we had the Photomap, but for FS19 there is not.

(I even tried the cloud based auto-converter on the map, but it fails to load in-game, due to some LUA errors)

Is there a chance that we get a working photomap soon?

Lorenzos (lorenzoita) 02.09.2019 08:38

Some times ago it's been published a conversion of the PhotoMap on the ModHub, but, apparently, they removed it.
You probably can find it on some mod site.

Otherwise, you can use the new Giants tool (FSIconGenerator) which works pretty well.
You can download it here:

Basti Getregt (Unknown) 02.09.2019 12:18
That tool is great!
Thank you for sharing.

Maybe it should be added to the FS19 GDN download-page. I never heared of it or have seen it in my Google search.
Others probably need this tool too.

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