Adding decals in Giants Editor

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created01.10.2019 21:45

Wayne Stumbo (Watain89) 01.10.2019 21:45
I'm trying to add decals from an in game combine to a mod combine. They are placed where I want them but they wont show up on the combine in the game? I replaced the shader with the decal shader, and it still wont show up. Anyone have any ideas?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.10.2019 09:08
No clairvoyants here, so nobody knows what you have done. *g*
You have to export the decal shape from source model - and then import 1:1 into your mod.
If it doesn't appear in game, it is probably hidden (transform flag 'Visibility' unchecked).

Wayne Stumbo (Watain89) 02.10.2019 16:19
Sorry I would post pictures if I could. Basically I'm editing a more U.S style CR10.90 New Holland Combine. I was trying to add the ''Revelation, and Twin Rotor'' decals from the original combine in the game. I selected them, which they were called ''decals new'', and exported selection with files. Imported it into my mod and it lined up with where it was on the original combine. Visibility is checked and it doesn't show up as a transform group in the scenograph, just as a blue image. I've tried it several different ways and it still doesn't show up on the model.

Wayne Stumbo (Watain89) 02.10.2019 16:39
Sorry I would post pictures if I could. Basically I'm editing a more U.S style CR10.90 New Holland Combine. I was trying to add the ''Revelation, and Twin Rotor'' decals from the original combine in the game. I selected them, which they were called ''decals new'', and exported selection with files. Imported it into my mod and it lined up with where it was on the original combine. Visibility is checked and it doesn't show up as a transform group in the scenograph, just as a blue image. I've tried it several different ways and it still doesn't show up on the model.

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 02.10.2019 19:30
Then you're doing something wrong. Obviously you're missing some experience with GE. *g*

At export you must answer "parent directory structure":NO and "game relative paths":YES
Then save it into your mod's folder.
Load your mod, import the thingy. It's now still outside the model. Now cut and paste it into a suitable TG. Be careful not to destroy the present hierarchy, else certain nodes might be false in XML file.

Wayne Stumbo (Watain89) 03.10.2019 06:12
That got it, thank you. I'm still new to modding.

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