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Triggers Problems

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created04.10.2019 14:00

Bullvayne Jet (Unknown) 04.10.2019 14:00
-------------- ENGLISH ----------------------

I have a problem with my map.
When I import a SILO (for example) ... I put it on the map ... I configure the Items.xml
Then I erase the Silo in GE
In the game the Silo does not appear

If I do not erase it in GE ... the silo appears but it does not work

-------------------- FRENCH ---------------------

J'ai un soucis avec ma map.
Quand j'importe un SILO (par exemple) ... je le place sur la map ... Je configure le Items.xml ainsi que le vehicule xml
Puis j'efface le Silo dans GE
Dans le jeu le Silo n'apparait pas

Si je ne l'efface pas dans GE ... le silo apparait mais il ne fonctionne pas

-------------- Flatmap_tems.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!-- Farm Buildings -->
<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="$moddir$placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" position="-27.813 100 40.239" rotation="-180 0 180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1"/>
---- Map Folders -----
Bullmap (Flatmap.i3D)
-> Prefab

-> Map

-> placeables
--> GreenSilo (FarmSilo.xml + FarmSilo.i3d)
---> Texture
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<fillTypes>wheat barley maize canola oat sugarCane sunflower soybean cotton poplar lime potato sugarBeet carrot onion hops rye spelt millet poppy alfalfa dryGrass_windrow straw Grass_windrow chaff woodChips pigFood seeds</fillTypes>

<placement testSizeX="30" testSizeZ="30" sizeX="30" sizeZ="30" useRandomYRotation="false" useManualYRotation="true"/>

<loadingStation stationName="$l10n_station_farmSilo" appearsOnPDA="false" storageRadius="50" fillSoundIdentifier="fillSound01">
<loadTrigger triggerNode="0|1|0|0|0" fillLitersPerSecond="2000" dischargeNode="0|1|0|0|1">
<effectNode effectClass="PipeEffect" effectNode="0|1|0|0|2|0" materialType="pipe" materialTypeId="1" fadeTime="0.5" maxBending="0" controlPoint="3.25 0 0 0"/>
<effectNode effectNode="0|1|0|0|2|1" materialType="smoke" materialTypeId="1" fadeTime="0.5"/>
<unloadingStation stationName="$l10n_station_farmSilo" appearsOnPDA="false" storageRadius="50">
<unloadTrigger exactFillRootNode="0|0|0|0|0"/>

<storage node="0|2" fillTypes="wheat barley maize canola oat sugarCane sunflower soybean cotton poplar lime potato sugarBeet carrot onion hops rye spelt millet poppy alfalfa dryGrass_windrow straw Grass_windrow chaff woodChips pigFood seeds" capacityPerFillType="750000"/>

<clearArea startNode="2|0" widthNode="2|0|0" heightNode="2|0|1"/>

<hotspot name="FarmSilo" fullName="$l10n_station_farmSilo" imageName="SELLING_POINT" hidable="true" linkNode="0|3" category="CATEGORY_TRIGGERS"/>

<leveling requireLeveling="true" maxSmoothDistance="5" maxSlope="30" maxEdgeAngle="20">
<levelArea startNode="2|0" widthNode="2|0|0" heightNode="2|0|1" groundType="gravel"/>

<dayNightObject node="3|0" visibleDay="false" visibleNight="true" />
<dayNightObject node="4|0" visibleDay="false" visibleNight="true" />
<dayNightObject node="5|0" visibleDay="false" visibleNight="true" />
<dayNightObject node="6|0" visibleDay="false" visibleNight="true" />
<dayNightObject node="7|0" visibleDay="false" visibleNight="true" />
<tipOcclusionUpdateArea sizeX="30" sizeZ="30"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<modDesc descVersion="44">
<en>BULL Map</en>
Test MAP
<multiplayer supported="true"/>
<map id="SampleModMap" className="Mission00" filename="$dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua" configFilename="FlatMap.xml" defaultVehiclesXMLFilename="FlatMap_vehicles.xml" defaultItemsXMLFilename="FlatMap_items.xml">
<en>Bull MAP</en>
<en>Test MAP</en>

<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/railroadDairy/railroadDairy.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWood.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationWool/sellingStationWool.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationWoodChips/sellingStationWoodChips.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/gasStation/gasStation01.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationWood/sellingStationWoodTrailer.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/farmBuildings/farmHouse.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/limeStation/limeStation.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/limeStation/limeStation02.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationPort01.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationPort02.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationMill02.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sellingStationBales/sellingStationBales.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/farmBuildings/farmHouse.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/sheds/easyShed03.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/bga/bga.xml" />
<storeItem xmlFilename="placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" />

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 04.10.2019 14:43
The items defined with <item .. defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1" /> appear only in start mode "new farmer".
By design meant for people who want to build up their own farm without presets.

Items which should always appear have <item .. mapBoundId=".." (without defaultFarmProperty/farmId).
However in this case the item doesn't count to farm properties, but to external objects.

Bullvayne Jet (Unknown) 05.10.2019 11:10
Hi thx u

Yes and it's what i want .... have a silo on new farmer

but with

<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" position="-27.813 100 40.239" rotation="-180 0 180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1"/>

The Silo does not appear

Here my folders

D:\Mes Maps\Bullmap ... with flatmap.i3D and flatmap_items.wml

D:\Mes Maps\Bullmap\placeables\GreenSilo ... with FarmSilo.i3D ... xml .. and silo texture

I make a mistake somewhere but i cant find it ... i cant make the silo appear when i play as NEW farmer (easy)

Thx u for your answers and sorru for my poor english

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 05.10.2019 16:18
The path description in items.xml is wrong.
Either use "$moddir$mapName/placeables/.." or "$mapdir$/placeables/..". Where the last one is preferable because mapname independant.

Bullvayne Jet (Unknown) 05.10.2019 19:21
Hi Bilbo

If i use $moddir$ or $mapdir$ ... the silo does not appear in game

..............................<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" position="-27.813 100 40.239" rotation="-180 0 180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1"/>

................................<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="$moddir$/placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" position="-27.813 100 40.239" rotation="-180 0 180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1"/>

.................................<item className="SiloPlaceable" filename="$mapdir$/placeables/GreenSilo/FarmSilo.xml" position="-27.813 100 40.239" rotation="-180 0 180" defaultFarmProperty="true" farmId="1"/>

I tried this 3 xml ... nothing worked ... silo not appears

PS : where can i find a king of folders maps to try something ... i thing it's an errror in a folder settings somewhere

Thx u

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 06.10.2019 01:08
filename="$mapdir$/placeables/.." should work always in maps.
The error must be somewhere else. Look into the game log.
Also check the position. Maybe the silo appears, but somewhere invisible, eg. under the surface.

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