How to put partial "no collision" in a vehicle or building?

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created25.10.2019 19:05

Rubens De Moraes (Rhubens) 25.10.2019 19:05
I want to make only one part of my truck or building with "no collicion". How to create a collision mask that affects a especific part of the mod?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 25.10.2019 20:47
There's no possibility to have a partial collision within one solid body.
You must create collision boxes which cover the required object parts.

Rubens De Moraes (Rhubens) 25.10.2019 21:57
and how could I make this? letting all the body without collision and put a box where I want to have collision?

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 26.10.2019 03:28
Yes. And you'll probably need more than one collision box if you use the primitive cubes available in GE.
Much better is creating the required form in a 3D program like 3DsMax, Maya, Blender.

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