Category | Farming Simulator 19 |
Created | 27.10.2019 18:40 |
Brian Bolger (briano74) | 27.10.2019 18:40 |
Hello 2019-10-27 13:30 Warning (C:/Users/brian/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Abbey2250/Abbey2250.xml): Node 'rotorChains' has no shader parameter 'offsetUV' for animationNode 'vehicle.sprayer.animationNodes.animationNode(0)'! How is the offsetUV accomplished in FS19 vs. FS17? Thanks Brian |
Bd Bdbssb (bdbssb) | 01.01.2020 20:52 |
You would either apply shader uvScrollShader.xml Or use vehicleShader.xml With the uvScroll Variation There is also uvScroll_colorMask Variation |
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