Turning Standart Grill Into Diaphanous

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created11.11.2019 13:24

Berke Serdaroğlu (blauea) 11.11.2019 13:25
Hello community. I'm working on a new mod from game. I've made every parts correct but I'm stuck on the grill. I don't know hot to turn front grill into diaphanous. Can someone please help me about this situation?

Best Regards

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 11.11.2019 21:34
You should get ideas about the "how to" if you examine the used material and shaders in a half-transparent shape.

Berke Serdaroğlu (blauea) 14.11.2019 22:22
Thank you so much for guiding me, I've made it :) I'm so happy right now...

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