Blender Questions

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created09.12.2019 19:16

Wayne Stumbo (Watain89) 09.12.2019 19:16
Got a couple questions about Blender 2.79. I’m working on a couple of tractors, I’ve exported from Giants Editor to .obj. Deleted and modified what I wanted. I’ve gotten as far as UDIM all the color I want however I have no idea how to bake the specular and normal maps so it will get dirty? Also how can I assign animations? Such as for the front axles and rear linkage? Thank you.

Kevin Meyhoff-nissen (KevinMn) 18.12.2019 13:42

You only bake the AO in the spec map, dirt (blue layer) you have to manually paint, or use a universal image of some kind. Many use a cloud render.
You can however bake a very noisy AO map, and reverse it, to have dirt in all angles and such.
Normal maps you do bake though, usually from a high poly model onto a low poly one, to get all the info. If you don't plan on doing that, just use the default_normal from the $data folder in FS.

Animations can not be exported from Blender, you'll have to do that in the XML.

Tyler Overton (degoldenkiwi) 13.05.2020 08:59
I'm having trouble with the universal passengers mod for PS4. I can't find it. Is it ever coming to PS4.

Tyler Overton (degoldenkiwi) 13.05.2020 09:25
I'm having trouble with the universal passengers mod for PS4. I can't find it. Is it ever coming to PS4.

Lorenzos (lorenzoita) 13.05.2020 09:45
Since the passenger mod uses external scripts it will never come to consoles.

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