what are terrain infos files

Forum Overview >> Farming Simulator 19

CategoryFarming Simulator 19
Created18.12.2019 15:32

Jean-paul Marchetti (Unknown) 18.12.2019 15:32
Hi, i messed up a little bit with my map. and now i have pretty weird things. so i need to know where the terrain relief, terrain texture, and foliage (grass, decoFoliage..) are located. to sumarize my save is ok, but my main map folder not. each time i open GE i get a precedent version of the above in my map. i opened an old version of my map in GE, and saved it in my map folder, and it seems it has created a mess

Bilbo Beutlin (BBeutlin) 18.12.2019 20:34
Open the map.i3d in a text editor (recommanded Notepad++). The terrain definitions start at <TerrainTransformGroup ..
You'll find several map IDs which refer to the fileId=.. in section <Files>.

Jean-paul Marchetti (Unknown) 18.12.2019 21:01
thanks a lot for the help, but it doesn't help me much. as only good version of my map is my latest save. i stupidly overwrited my map i3d with another i3d of a precedent version/backup. now i have that incredible mess. i was few mm from finishing my several hundreds hours map. and i got that crazy s.. i'm loosing my mind right now. all the objects are well placed. but the map terrain relief, texture, and foliage has reset to a precedent save. when i edit in GE it takes into account the editing. but for some reason (i suspect a corrupted map.i3d) after playing a few hours the thing resets. i can play with the savegame. but if i open the map in GE, or launch a new game, it resets. like if all my precedent editing had been erased. so what i was hoping for, it's that it was eventually possible to go back to a stable version, using the savegame files

Jean-paul Marchetti (Unknown) 18.12.2019 21:02
thanks a lot for the help, but it doesn't help me much. as only good version of my map is my latest save. i stupidly overwrited my map i3d with another i3d of a precedent version/backup. now i have that incredible mess. i was few mm from finishing my several hundreds hours map. and i got that crazy s.. i'm loosing my mind right now. all the objects are well placed. but the map terrain relief, texture, and foliage has reset to a precedent save. when i edit in GE it takes into account the editing. but for some reason (i suspect a corrupted map.i3d) after playing a few hours the thing resets. i can play with the savegame. but if i open the map in GE, or launch a new game, it resets. like if all my precedent editing had been erased. so what i was hoping for, it's that it was eventually possible to go back to a stable version, using the savegame files

Edit: i think i fixed the foliage, and relief probs. i noticed the path in my map.i3d were heading to the backup folder. so i edited the paths, and used the savegame gdm, and heightmap. and it worked. i got the good folige, and relief. but i still have problems regarding the terrain textures. it still shows the old version texturing in GE

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